Coastal-Climate Overall Vulnerability and Exposure Risk - protection strategy for the Maltese Islands
The development of the C-COVER Coastal-Climate Overall Vulnerability and Exposure Risk
- protection strategy for the Maltese Islands is an initiative funded by the European Commission's (EC) Technical Support Instrument upon request of the Maltese Public Works Department (PWD), Ministry for Transport Infrastructure & Capital Projects (MTIP), and the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA). It aims to secure economically and environmentally sustainable coastal protection management taking climate change into account.
Concretely, the project seeks to:
- to develop a national integrative instrument that will: identify the full range of policy priorities in order to reduce coastal pressures, while protecting and preserving the shoreline mostly exposed to coastal dynamics.
- to assess coastal risks and identify sustainable, suitable, and effective protective solutions, that take into account the impacts of climate change, the integrated management of water and land-side resources, and land-sea interactions.
- to promote national harmonization among the various ministries and key stakeholders, to implement of coastal protection solutions for the Maltese Islands, by establishing a consistent and holistic strategic framework at national level.
This project is being implemented by the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) and its core team of experts: the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IHCantabria), AKTIS Hydraulics, the University of Malta, supported by international experts.
This project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument.
Working in close cooperation with the Maltese Authorities PWD and MTA, over the next 24 months, the team will also focus on the the engagement of stakeholders and communication activities that will facilitate the need for an holistic and integrative process. It is expected that this action will allow the Maltese Authorities to take up the necessary measures to ensure sustainability of coastal functions and activities in the entire Maltese Islands coastline.
Note for Editors:
TSI-2021-MTCOASTAL Coastal Protection Strategy for the Maltese Islands (nr.101049757)
This project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by EUCC in collaboration with its experts, in cooperation with the European Commission