Press Releases 2021 Subject Date Fairyland is Back! 22/10/2021 MTA Supports the First Belgian post-COVID Travel Congress in Malta 18/10/2021 Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group and Visit Malta Proudly Announce 15/10/2021 ARTE TV puts the spotlight on traditional Maltese cuisine through 7 recipes 15/10/2021 A step in the right direction for Malta's Tourism Industry 11/10/2021 MTA Wins Big In London's Travel Industry Awards 04/10/2021 Malta Tourism Authority receives the ‘Charme' Award at the Festival del Turismo Esperienzale in Florence 27/09/2021 Manchester United Legends in Malta 27/09/2021 Austria's ORF Yoga Magazine uses the Maltese Islands as the perfect yoga backdrop 27/09/2021 Malta: A Meeting Point - Maltese Works of Art to be Exhibited in Madrid’s Royal Botanic Garden 17/09/2021 Music takes centre-stage in a double concert announcement 27/08/2021 Celebrating Maltese Tradition in one Special Event 26/08/2021 MTA Signs Agreement with VeriFLY 23/07/2021 Malta Updates its Amber List 16/06/2021 Tempels van Malta: Maltese prehistoric culture graces the halls of major Dutch Museum 03/06/2021 Malta to welcome back vaccinated British travellers from 1 June 30/03/2021 Herd immunity reached in Malta! 24/05/2021 Summer is Here - No Demolition & Excavation Works in Tourism Areas as from Mid-June 26/05/2021