Pembroke Heritage Project

The area, known as the Pembroke Heritage Project, is classified as a category VI Protected Area (International Union for Conservation of Nature , 1994) and covers around 97 hectares. The project itself involved the accessibility of this area by introducing a walking/ cycling trail across a larger part of the Natura 2000 site that is about 2.5kms in length.
MTA'S main aim is to ensure sustainable tourism by highlighting the rich biodiversity and heritage that this Natura 2000 site can offer.
Development of Pembroke Gardens

As an alternative to the hustle and bustle of St. George's Bay and Paceville, Pembroke Gardens provides a quiet enclave where people can sit and relax nearby. A staggering 19,000 square metres of land have been dedicated to an open space for all to enjoy. The garden consists of 1,000m² of piazzas, 900m² of play area for children and a total of 7,550m² spread across two gardens. Pembroke Gardens is split over five levels, with different levels dedicated for different uses; namely open spaces, play areas and resting spots. The five levels are linked by a water feature measuring 105 metres creating the impression of a flowing stream. The levels are also interconnected by a winding ramp, making it fully accessible for everyone. This Project was inaugurated in July 2012.
Development of a Walking / Cycling Track in Pembroke

A continous walking / cycling trail, around 2.5km long was created along the Pembroke Heritage project. In effect this pedestrian link connects Pembroke Gardens to the Madliena Tower. Besides ensuring a good safe ride to cyclists, the trail is meant to highlight the beauty of Malta's natural coastline garigue and rocky shorelines.
Parts of the cycle path made use of existing pathways which were used by British forces to patrol the area. At selected points along the route, MTA has created rest areas with landscaping and seating. The MTA has also restored a shelter room which was used by the British military.
Several interpretation panels were also installed along the route to highlight both the natural and historic features of the Pembroke Heritage Project. This project was inaugurated in March 2013.
Restoration of Madliena Tower

Works consisted in the restoration of the Madliena Tower, Gun Crew Shed, WWII Gun Emplacement and fougasse. The facades of the tower and the Gun Crew shed were cleaned and re-pointed with hydraulic lime mortar. The tower included as well structural pinning in order to re-establish its structural integrity. The steel structure and the corrugated concrete roof of the WWII Gun Emplacement were replaced with exact replica due to their existing high deterioration state. The Victorian Examination battery and the fougasse were cleaned and a railing was installed around the same fougasse. The works also involved the installation of light fittings, CCTV Cameras, PV Panels and an alarm system. This project was inaugurated in March 2013.
Development of Educational Brochures/Leaflets in relation to Pembroke Heritage Project
In conjunction with Nature Trust Malta and Ekoskola, MTA was also responsible for the co-ordination of a set of booklets / leaflets aimed to promote the natural and historic features found in this Natura 2000 site. Four types of leaflets / booklets, amongst which one can use a map of the route along this park, educational activities booklet for primary school children and a more detailed booklet for research purposes. These can be viewed and downloaded:
Pembroke Garigue Map
Pembroke Heritage Project Site Guide
Pembroke Heritage Project – Educational Activities for Primary Section (English)
Pembroke Heritage Project – Educational Activities for Primary Section (Maltese)
Pembroke Heritage Project Visitor Booklet