Expressions of Interest

FITUR FAIR, Madrid, Spain: 22nd - 26th January 2025

The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) will be participating at the Fitur Fair between the 22nd and 26th January 2025 and is inviting licensed trade to register their interest in participation on the Malta stand.


Detailed information can be found via the following links:

Participation in International Travel Fairs Regulations

Call for Expression of Interest for Maltese Hospitality Trade

Interested parties are to send their written registration via email to Ms Ruth Spiteri on by close of business on Thursday 31st October, 2024

Please note that only written confirmation will be taken into consideration. Should interest exceed space available, participants will be determined via lottery draw.



Go Diving Show, NAEC Stoneleigh Park, Coventry, UK: 1st - 2nd March 2025

The Malta Tourism Authority would like to invite Diving Centres to participate in the above fair by co-exhibiting on the official Malta stand.

Those interested are requested to contact Ms Ruth Spiteri on by close of business on Friday 11th October, 2024.

The stand size will be 20m x 3m and will accommodate 6 spaces available for interested diving centres. 

Each partner will receive a 1m wide podium with front logo, stool and an electrical socket.  Podium is lockable for brochures etc.

Please note that personal banners and posters will not be permitted at the stand, as the MTA will be providing all official graphics and branding materials. 

Additionally, we are excited to announce that Timmy Gambin will be joining us on the tech stage on Saturday, 1st March.

The space renting fee will be of €300 (exclusive of 18% VAT).

Please note that only written confirmation will be taken into consideration.  Should interest exceed space available, participants will be determined via lottery draw.  

For more information about the fair, click here